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Reborn バジル 125050-Reborn バジル 声優

 バジリコンがイラスト付きでわかる! バジル(バジリコン)は、漫画『家庭教師ヒットマンREBORN!』の登場人物。 ※pixivでは本名のバジリコンより通称の「バジル」のタグの方が多い。 概要 通称「バジル」。ボンゴレ外部組織・門外顧問組織CEDEF(チェデフ)に所属する、沢田綱吉(ツナ)とバジル(バジリコン) 沢田綱吉(ツナ) ツナバジ reborn!腐Basilicum132,more commonly referred to as Basil, is a member of CEDEF and serves as Iemitsu's apprentice He is an extremely skilled fighter and very loyal to the Sawada family Because of his loyalty, Iemitsu trusts him enough to send him on extremely difficult missions He is introduced in the early Varia Arc and turns into a recurring character, frequently showing up throughout the ヤフオク バジル 前田大翔 家庭教師ヒットマンreborn The Reborn バジル 声優