

[新しいコレクション] ios10 壁紙 102758-Ios10 壁紙 デフォルト

Use by turning on the parallax effect of iOS7,iOS8,iOS9,iOS10 画像を長押しで保存 Lock Screen was the same as Home Screen In iOS 10 The background is always darkened There are two stages in depend on the wallpaper Weak Dark Filter The letters are black (colored) The background is a little darker than original If the wallpaper is enough dark, the letters are white Lock Screen Doesn't turn dark 有 150 张原生壁纸随 iOS 升级而消失,我们挑选了最经典的 42 张 少数派 有 150 张原生壁纸随 iOS 升级而消失,我们挑选了最经典的 42 张 主作者 少数派会员 了解详情 > WATERS 联合作者 少数派会员 了解详情 > Yalu102アプリ Ios 10の壁紙 1334x750 Wallpapertip Ios10 壁紙 デフォルト